Frequently Asked Questions

Car Accident FAQ

Below, I’ve answered a number of frequently asked questions related to auto accidents, personal injury claims, and Pennsylvania auto accident law.

If you believe that someone else’s negligence contributed to your car crash accident injury, you may have reason to file a personal injury claim and collect compensation. The amount of compensation that you receive depends on a large number of factors, including the extent of your injuries, the cost of your medical care, and the nature of the accident.

The vast majority of the car crash and injury claims are settled outside of the courtroom and during negotiations with the insurance company. This means you won’t need to go to court and that your case will likely not be publicized in any way. However, a handful of cases do go to court and are heard by a judge or jury. In some of these instances, you may be asked to testify.

  • Get help. Call the police and seek medical attention as soon as possible.
  • Collect evidence. Take notes, take pictures, get the contact information of witnesses, and request your medical records. The more evidence you have that you were not at fault (and that you were seriously injured), the more likely you will secure a fair settlement.
  • Don’t give a recorded statement. The insurance company will often attempt to get official statements from accident victims before they have a chance to process the incident or speak to a lawyer. It is always a mistake to make a verbal statement.
  • Talk to an accident attorney. An experienced Philadelphia accident lawyer can analyze your case and give you an accurate overview of your legal options. A Philadelphia auto vehicle accident attorney can also answer all of your legal questions, all within the context of your case.

The answer to this question depends on who was at fault for your car crash, what kind of insurance coverage you have, and the extent of your injuries.

Under Pennsylvania law, all drivers have a minimum of $5,000 of Personal Injury Protection (PIP) insurance. This insurance coverage offers money to all vehicle occupants who are injured in a crash, regardless of who was at fault for the accident, which is why this type of coverage is also referred to as “no-fault” coverage. If you suffered a severe injury, such as a traumatic brain injury or spinal cord injury, you may be able to collect further compensation through a traditional personal injury claim.

Many car crash accident victims miss days, weeks, or months of work after their serious injury. Some can never return to their line of work and require retraining, while others are forced to leave the workforce altogether. All of these situations result in hundreds or thousands of dollars in lost wages and benefits.

It is critical that accident victims understand that the person or party responsible for their injuries is also responsible for their lost wages and lost future wages under the law. This could include money for overtime work, bonuses, and work benefits.

In Pennsylvania, you have the option of purchasing either limited tort or full tort car insurance. Limited tort car insurance is less expensive to select, but only allows auto accident victims from seeking compensation for pain and suffering (non-economic damages) in certain situations. Full tort car insurance is more comprehensive coverage that allows for pain and suffering claims in all situations. You should always select full tort and you should review your policy often in order to fully understand your coverage in the event of an accident.

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